The game revolves around a single map shared among multiple levels that contains checkpoints.
With that in mind, level designers will need a way to save their work so they can work on multiple levels.
Since UI Toolkit was something I'd been wanting to explore, I'd decided to use it for the task.
What I have created here lets level designers assign the information that will be required in the actual levels (the checkpoints), and be saved into a ScriptableObject class called LevelDataSO. A level can then be loaded easily in-game using the LevelDataSO.
The Load Level Data section is made to let the level designers load back their previous work if they want to make changes to them. (which just instantiates the checkpoints with the data from the LevelDataSO under a new GameObject as children GameObjects).
I've also added condition checks that will enable or disable the buttons to prevent creating something incomplete.
Code Samples
Since my fellow programmers are fairly new to programming, it was tricky for me to assign big tasks for them. What I decided on doing was giving them guidelines and discuss the code structure. After they finished the code, I gave them feedback and fix the code when necessary.
I realize the benefit of being in the same physical space as a team. We had a programmer that was located in another campus which communication takes longer to happen. This is a good reminder to be reachable most of the time during work hours so the group can discuss matters and make decisions quicker.
There were a lot of meetings going on and what I noticed was some meetings were not entirely important to be present. The pile of meetings not only slowed down the coding process, it also drained my energy while being in the meetings. The lesson for me is to know when a meeting is important and prioritize.